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Dr. Davidovitch volunteering on the COVID19 Army with the brave nurses of NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital

Dr. Davidovitch volunteering on the COVID19 Army with the brave nurses of NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospita

Dear Patients,

During these are challenging times we realize that treatment for your hip condition can not be neglected. The health, wellness, and safety of our patients and employees is our first priority. We continue to monitor the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and are keeping an eye on official information including guidance published by the CDC, WHO, the NYS Department of Health, and the New York City Department of Health.

We are requesting that you follow the CDC policy, and kindly ask if you are currently COVID+ or in close contact with a COVID+ individual, or if you are displaying symptoms of illness (such as fevers, chills, cough, shortness of breath etc) to please stay home and we are happy to arrange a prompt televisit appointment for you. 

If you are are well but still uncomfortable with an in-person appointment you are also encouraged to schedule a televisit appointment where your issue can be properly evaluated and treatment initiated.

For in person visits we have taken the following precautions:

  • We are only seeing 2 patients in the office at a time.
  • Our waiting room is large and spacious and therefore accommodates all social distancing guidelines, however every effort is made for all patients to be immediately seated in a sanitized exam room upon check in.
  • All patients and staff entering the office must be fever free and MAY NOT exhibit any coughing, sneezing, or flu like symptoms.
  • Staff members are checked for fever upon entry on a daily basis.
  • In addition to our high level disinfection protocol and typical aseptic and hygiene standards, we are asking patients to adhere to recommended CDC and WHO standards for hand hygiene and covering of the nose and mouth. We are asking the following of each patient:

Wear a cloth covering for BOTH your nose and your mouth throughout the office visit. We will do the same.

  • Please wash or sanitize your hands upon entering the exam room and do not handle your phone after hand washing. 
  • Observe social distancing of at least 3 feet when wearing a mask and 6 feet if possible. 
  • Please refrain from hand shaking or other direct contact.

  • Please cough or sneeze into your elbow crease or into a tissue and dispose of the tissue immediately. Wash or sanitize your hands immediately following disposal of tissues. 

Please Visit the Centers for Disease Control


Roy I. Davidovitch, MD